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:heavy_check_mark: Formal Power Series (Arbitrary mod)

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template <typename T> struct Poly : vector<T> {
    Poly(int n = 0) {
        this->assign(n, T());
    Poly(const initializer_list<T> f) : vector<T>::vector(f) {}
    Poly(const vector<T> &f) {
    int deg() const {
        return this->size() - 1;
    T eval(const T &x) {
        T res;
        for (int i = this->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            res *= x, res += this->at(i);
        return res;
    Poly rev() const {
        Poly res = *this;
        return res;
    void shrink() {
        while (!this->empty() and this->back() == 0)
    Poly operator>>(ll sz) const {
        if ((int)this->size() <= sz)
            return {};
        Poly ret(*this);
        ret.erase(ret.begin(), ret.begin() + sz);
        return ret;
    Poly operator<<(ll sz) const {
        Poly ret(*this);
        ret.insert(ret.begin(), sz, T(0));
        return ret;
    Poly inv() const {
        assert(this->front() != 0);
        const int n = this->size();
        Poly res(1);
        res.front() = T(1) / this->front();
        for (int k = 1; k < n; k <<= 1) {
            Poly g = res, h = *this;
            h.resize(k * 2);
            res.resize(k * 2);
            g = (g.square() * h);
            g.resize(k * 2);
            rep(i, k, min(k * 2, n)) res[i] -= g[i];
        return res;
    Poly square() const {
        return Poly(mult(*this, *this));
    Poly operator-() const {
        return Poly() - *this;
    Poly operator+(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) += g;
    Poly operator+(const T &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) += g;
    Poly operator-(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) -= g;
    Poly operator-(const T &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) -= g;
    Poly operator*(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) *= g;
    Poly operator*(const T &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) *= g;
    Poly operator/(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) /= g;
    Poly operator%(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) %= g;
    pair<Poly, Poly> divmod(const Poly &g) const {
        Poly q = *this / g, r = *this - g * q;
        return {q, r};
    Poly &operator+=(const Poly &g) {
        if (g.size() > this->size())
        rep(i, 0, g.size()) {
            (*this)[i] += g[i];
        return *this;
    Poly &operator+=(const T &g) {
        if (this->empty())
        (*this)[0] += g;
        return *this;
    Poly &operator-=(const Poly &g) {
        if (g.size() > this->size())
        rep(i, 0, g.size()) {
            (*this)[i] -= g[i];
        return *this;
    Poly &operator-=(const T &g) {
        if (this->empty())
        (*this)[0] -= g;
        return *this;
    Poly &operator*=(const Poly &g) {
        *this = mult(*this, g);
        return *this;
    Poly &operator*=(const T &g) {
        rep(i, 0, this->size())(*this)[i] *= g;
        return *this;
    Poly &operator/=(const Poly &g) {
        if (g.size() > this->size()) {
            return *this;
        Poly g2 = g;
        int n = this->size() - g2.size() + 1;
        *this *= g2.inv();
        return *this;
    Poly &operator%=(const Poly &g) {
        *this -= *this / g * g;
        return *this;
    Poly diff() const {
        Poly res(this->size() - 1);
        rep(i, 0, res.size()) res[i] = (*this)[i + 1] * (i + 1);
        return res;
    Poly inte() const {
        Poly res(this->size() + 1);
        for (int i = res.size() - 1; i; i--)
            res[i] = (*this)[i - 1] / i;
        return res;
    Poly log() const {
        assert(this->front() == 1);
        const int n = this->size();
        Poly res = diff() * inv();
        res = res.inte();
        return res;
    Poly exp() const {
        assert(this->front() == 0);
        const int n = this->size();
        Poly res(1), g(1);
        res.front() = g.front() = 1;
        for (int k = 1; k < n; k <<= 1) {
            g = (g + g - g.square() * res);
            Poly q = *this;
            q = q.diff();
            Poly w = (q + g * (res.diff() - res * q)), t = *this;
            w.resize(k * 2 - 1);
            t.resize(k * 2);
            res = (res + res * (t - w.inte()));
            res.resize(k * 2);
        return res;
    Poly shift(const int &c) const {
        const int n = this->size();
        Poly res = *this, g(n);
        g[0] = 1;
        rep(i, 1, n) g[i] = g[i - 1] * c / i;
        vector<T> fact(n, 1);
        rep(i, 0, n) {
            if (i)
                fact[i] = fact[i - 1] * i;
            res[i] *= fact[i];
        res = res.rev();
        res *= g;
        res = res.rev();
        rep(i, 0, n) res[i] /= fact[i];
        return res;
    Poly pow(ll t) {
        if (t == 0) {
            Poly res(this->size());
            res[0] = 1;
            return res;
        int n = this->size(), k = 0;
        while (k < n and (*this)[k] == 0)
        Poly res(n);
        if (__int128_t(t) * k >= n)
            return res;
        n -= t * k;
        Poly g(n);
        T c = (*this)[k], ic = c.inv();
        rep(i, 0, n) g[i] = (*this)[i + k] * ic;
        g = g.log();
        for (auto &x : g)
            x *= t;
        g = g.exp();
        c = c.pow(t);
        rep(i, 0, n) res[i + t * k] = g[i] * c;
        return res;
    vector<T> mult(const vector<T> &a, const vector<T> &b) const;

 * @brief Formal Power Series (Arbitrary mod)
#line 2 "FPS/arbitraryfps.hpp"

template <typename T> struct Poly : vector<T> {
    Poly(int n = 0) {
        this->assign(n, T());
    Poly(const initializer_list<T> f) : vector<T>::vector(f) {}
    Poly(const vector<T> &f) {
    int deg() const {
        return this->size() - 1;
    T eval(const T &x) {
        T res;
        for (int i = this->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            res *= x, res += this->at(i);
        return res;
    Poly rev() const {
        Poly res = *this;
        return res;
    void shrink() {
        while (!this->empty() and this->back() == 0)
    Poly operator>>(ll sz) const {
        if ((int)this->size() <= sz)
            return {};
        Poly ret(*this);
        ret.erase(ret.begin(), ret.begin() + sz);
        return ret;
    Poly operator<<(ll sz) const {
        Poly ret(*this);
        ret.insert(ret.begin(), sz, T(0));
        return ret;
    Poly inv() const {
        assert(this->front() != 0);
        const int n = this->size();
        Poly res(1);
        res.front() = T(1) / this->front();
        for (int k = 1; k < n; k <<= 1) {
            Poly g = res, h = *this;
            h.resize(k * 2);
            res.resize(k * 2);
            g = (g.square() * h);
            g.resize(k * 2);
            rep(i, k, min(k * 2, n)) res[i] -= g[i];
        return res;
    Poly square() const {
        return Poly(mult(*this, *this));
    Poly operator-() const {
        return Poly() - *this;
    Poly operator+(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) += g;
    Poly operator+(const T &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) += g;
    Poly operator-(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) -= g;
    Poly operator-(const T &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) -= g;
    Poly operator*(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) *= g;
    Poly operator*(const T &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) *= g;
    Poly operator/(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) /= g;
    Poly operator%(const Poly &g) const {
        return Poly(*this) %= g;
    pair<Poly, Poly> divmod(const Poly &g) const {
        Poly q = *this / g, r = *this - g * q;
        return {q, r};
    Poly &operator+=(const Poly &g) {
        if (g.size() > this->size())
        rep(i, 0, g.size()) {
            (*this)[i] += g[i];
        return *this;
    Poly &operator+=(const T &g) {
        if (this->empty())
        (*this)[0] += g;
        return *this;
    Poly &operator-=(const Poly &g) {
        if (g.size() > this->size())
        rep(i, 0, g.size()) {
            (*this)[i] -= g[i];
        return *this;
    Poly &operator-=(const T &g) {
        if (this->empty())
        (*this)[0] -= g;
        return *this;
    Poly &operator*=(const Poly &g) {
        *this = mult(*this, g);
        return *this;
    Poly &operator*=(const T &g) {
        rep(i, 0, this->size())(*this)[i] *= g;
        return *this;
    Poly &operator/=(const Poly &g) {
        if (g.size() > this->size()) {
            return *this;
        Poly g2 = g;
        int n = this->size() - g2.size() + 1;
        *this *= g2.inv();
        return *this;
    Poly &operator%=(const Poly &g) {
        *this -= *this / g * g;
        return *this;
    Poly diff() const {
        Poly res(this->size() - 1);
        rep(i, 0, res.size()) res[i] = (*this)[i + 1] * (i + 1);
        return res;
    Poly inte() const {
        Poly res(this->size() + 1);
        for (int i = res.size() - 1; i; i--)
            res[i] = (*this)[i - 1] / i;
        return res;
    Poly log() const {
        assert(this->front() == 1);
        const int n = this->size();
        Poly res = diff() * inv();
        res = res.inte();
        return res;
    Poly exp() const {
        assert(this->front() == 0);
        const int n = this->size();
        Poly res(1), g(1);
        res.front() = g.front() = 1;
        for (int k = 1; k < n; k <<= 1) {
            g = (g + g - g.square() * res);
            Poly q = *this;
            q = q.diff();
            Poly w = (q + g * (res.diff() - res * q)), t = *this;
            w.resize(k * 2 - 1);
            t.resize(k * 2);
            res = (res + res * (t - w.inte()));
            res.resize(k * 2);
        return res;
    Poly shift(const int &c) const {
        const int n = this->size();
        Poly res = *this, g(n);
        g[0] = 1;
        rep(i, 1, n) g[i] = g[i - 1] * c / i;
        vector<T> fact(n, 1);
        rep(i, 0, n) {
            if (i)
                fact[i] = fact[i - 1] * i;
            res[i] *= fact[i];
        res = res.rev();
        res *= g;
        res = res.rev();
        rep(i, 0, n) res[i] /= fact[i];
        return res;
    Poly pow(ll t) {
        if (t == 0) {
            Poly res(this->size());
            res[0] = 1;
            return res;
        int n = this->size(), k = 0;
        while (k < n and (*this)[k] == 0)
        Poly res(n);
        if (__int128_t(t) * k >= n)
            return res;
        n -= t * k;
        Poly g(n);
        T c = (*this)[k], ic = c.inv();
        rep(i, 0, n) g[i] = (*this)[i + k] * ic;
        g = g.log();
        for (auto &x : g)
            x *= t;
        g = g.exp();
        c = c.pow(t);
        rep(i, 0, n) res[i + t * k] = g[i] * c;
        return res;
    vector<T> mult(const vector<T> &a, const vector<T> &b) const;

 * @brief Formal Power Series (Arbitrary mod)
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