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:heavy_check_mark: Pollard-Rho

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#pragma once
#include "Math/miller.hpp"

#include "Utility/random.hpp"

vector<ll> Pollard(ll n) {
    if (n <= 1)
        return {};
    if (Miller(n))
        return {n};
    if ((n & 1) == 0) {
        vector<ll> v = Pollard(n >> 1);
        return v;
    for (ll x = 2, y = 2, d;;) {
        ll c = Random::get(2LL, n - 1);
        do {
            x = (__int128_t(x) * x + c) % n;
            y = (__int128_t(y) * y + c) % n;
            y = (__int128_t(y) * y + c) % n;
            d = __gcd(x - y + n, n);
        } while (d == 1);
        if (d < n) {
            vector<ll> lb = Pollard(d), rb = Pollard(n / d);
            lb.insert(lb.end(), ALL(rb));
            return lb;

 * @brief Pollard-Rho
#line 2 "Math/miller.hpp"

struct m64 {
    using i64 = int64_t;
    using u64 = uint64_t;
    using u128 = __uint128_t;

    static u64 mod;
    static u64 r;
    static u64 n2;

    static u64 get_r() {
        u64 ret = mod;
        rep(_,0,5) ret *= 2 - mod * ret;
        return ret;

    static void set_mod(u64 m) {
        assert(m < (1LL << 62));
        assert((m & 1) == 1);
        mod = m;
        n2 = -u128(m) % m;
        r = get_r();
        assert(r * mod == 1);
    static u64 get_mod() { return mod; }

    u64 a;
    m64() : a(0) {}
    m64(const int64_t &b) : a(reduce((u128(b) + mod) * n2)){};

    static u64 reduce(const u128 &b) {
        return (b + u128(u64(b) * u64(-r)) * mod) >> 64;
    u64 get() const {
        u64 ret = reduce(a);
        return ret >= mod ? ret - mod : ret;
    m64 &operator*=(const m64 &b) {
        a = reduce(u128(a) * b.a);
        return *this;
    m64 operator*(const m64 &b) const { return m64(*this) *= b; }
    bool operator==(const m64 &b) const {
        return (a >= mod ? a - mod : a) == (b.a >= mod ? b.a - mod : b.a);
    bool operator!=(const m64 &b) const {
        return (a >= mod ? a - mod : a) != (b.a >= mod ? b.a - mod : b.a);
    m64 pow(u128 n) const {
        m64 ret(1), mul(*this);
        while (n > 0) {
        if (n & 1) ret *= mul;
        mul *= mul;
        n >>= 1;
        return ret;
typename m64::u64 m64::mod, m64::r, m64::n2;

bool Miller(ll n){
    if(n<2 or (n&1)==0)return (n==2);
    ll d=n-1; while((d&1)==0)d>>=1;
    vector<ll> seeds;
    if(n<(1<<30))seeds={2, 7, 61};
    else seeds={2, 325, 9375, 28178, 450775, 9780504};
    for(auto& x:seeds){
        ll t=d;
        m64 y=m64(x).pow(t);
        while(t!=n-1 and y!=1 and y!=n-1){
        if(y!=n-1 and (t&1)==0)return 0;
    } return 1;

 * @brief Miller-Rabin
#line 2 "Utility/random.hpp"

namespace Random {
mt19937_64 randgen(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
using u64 = unsigned long long;
u64 get() {
    return randgen();
template <typename T> T get(T L) { // [0,L]

    return get() % (L + 1);
template <typename T> T get(T L, T R) { // [L,R]

    return get(R - L) + L;
double uniform() {
    return double(get(1000000000)) / 1000000000;
string str(int n) {
    string ret;
    rep(i, 0, n) ret += get('a', 'z');
    return ret;
template <typename Iter> void shuffle(Iter first, Iter last) {
    if (first == last)
    int len = 1;
    for (auto it = first + 1; it != last; it++) {
        int j = get(0, len - 1);
        if (j != len - 1)
            iter_swap(it, first + j);
template <typename T> vector<T> select(int n, T L, T R) { // [L,R]

    if (n * 2 >= R - L + 1) {
        vector<T> ret(R - L + 1);
        iota(ALL(ret), L);
        return ret;
    } else {
        unordered_set<T> used;
        vector<T> ret;
        while (SZ(used) < n) {
            T x = get(L, R);
            if (!used.count(x)) {
        return ret;

void relabel(int n, vector<pair<int, int>> &es) {
    vector<int> ord(n);
    iota(ALL(ord), 0);
    for (auto &[u, v] : es)
        u = ord[u], v = ord[v];
template <bool directed, bool simple> vector<pair<int, int>> genGraph(int n) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> cand, es;
    rep(u, 0, n) rep(v, 0, n) {
        if (simple and u == v)
        if (!directed and u > v)
        cand.push_back({u, v});
    int m = get(SZ(cand));
    vector<int> ord;
    if (simple)
        ord = select(m, 0, SZ(cand) - 1);
    else {
        rep(_, 0, m) ord.push_back(get(SZ(cand) - 1));
    for (auto &i : ord)
    relabel(n, es);
    return es;
vector<pair<int, int>> genTree(int n) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> es;
    rep(i, 1, n) es.push_back({get(i - 1), i});
    relabel(n, es);
    return es;
}; // namespace Random

 * @brief Random
#line 4 "Math/pollard.hpp"

vector<ll> Pollard(ll n) {
    if (n <= 1)
        return {};
    if (Miller(n))
        return {n};
    if ((n & 1) == 0) {
        vector<ll> v = Pollard(n >> 1);
        return v;
    for (ll x = 2, y = 2, d;;) {
        ll c = Random::get(2LL, n - 1);
        do {
            x = (__int128_t(x) * x + c) % n;
            y = (__int128_t(y) * y + c) % n;
            y = (__int128_t(y) * y + c) % n;
            d = __gcd(x - y + n, n);
        } while (d == 1);
        if (d < n) {
            vector<ll> lb = Pollard(d), rb = Pollard(n / d);
            lb.insert(lb.end(), ALL(rb));
            return lb;

 * @brief Pollard-Rho
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